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Is this address your primary home where services will be provided?
Best time to reach you?
Best method to contact you?

Other Household Members:

List ALL members living in your household, their age, and their relationship to you.

Do any of these people pay you to live in your home?
Housing Type:
Do you own or rent?
Would you permit adaptations for any necessary handicap devices?
Does your home have a wheelchair ramp entrance?
Are there handrails and grab bars?
Is the bedroom for the Member on the main floor?
Would the Member have wheelchair access to all of the home?
Is the bathroom accessible with grab bars, raised toilet seat, wheel in shower, etc?
Do you have pets?

List type of pets:

Would you need to change your current residence before starting a Host Home?
How much notice would you need to move, if necessary?
Do you have a vehicle?

Please list the make, model, and year of your vehicle:

Do you have a valid driver's license?

Please list state issued, drivers license number, and expiration date:

If selected for a Host Home, the applicant must provide proof of current auto liability insurance with a minimum personal injury coverage of $300,000.

Education Information:

High School Graduate:
GED or High School Equivalency:
Do you speak any other languages fluently?
Other specialized training(s)? (Check all that apply)

Employment History:

Please begin with the most current, up to the last 5 years.

Supervisors Name:
List dates from & to.

Personal References:

Please list at least three personal references. Include name, phone number, email address and relationship to you.


Pre-interview Questionnaire:

Have you been employed by Progressive Community Network previously?

A background check will be conducted on applicants selected for Host Home Provider .

A background check is also required for anyone 18 or older living in the home.

Have you previously been a Host Home Provider?
Are you currently a Host Home Provider?
Have you or any member of your household been convicted of a felony, child abuse, or an unlawful sexual offense?
Have you or any member of your household been arrested for violations of the law other than minor traffic violations?
Do you have any experience or involvement with the developmental disability community?
Do you have any obligations that would require you to be away regularly during the day or evening?
Could you care for an adult who requires 24/7 supervision?
I could best support a person with the following care needs (choose one, or all that apply):
Of the behaviors listed below, select all that you would be willing to work with:
Do you have experience with digital documentation?
Is there a particular individual for whom you are interested in providing services?

If yes, please list name:


Introduce Yourself:

This section helps us get to know you better so we can make thoughtful matches between individuals seeking host homes and contractors like you who are passionate about making a difference. Share a bit about yourself, your household, and what makes your home environment unique. Whether it’s your hobbies, daily routines, or family traditions, these details help us create connections that foster comfort, trust, and a sense of belonging for everyone involved.

I certify that I have truthfully answered the above questions to the best of my ability. I understand that providing false or misleading information may result in the cancellation of my Host Home Application. Failure to complete any section of this application may be cause for you not to be considered further.
Clear Signature
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